Friday, October 13, 2006

It's October 13, yeah Friday the 13th and it's frickin' freezin here in Cleveland. I think I'm going thru my seasonal affective disorder because this week all I've wanted to do is sleep...and I have!

Great things have been asunder with me.

I presented at the AORN conference in Las Vegas! It was wonderful!

I am now a CNOR (certified nurse operating room). Before, I was just 'certified' or certifiable. Now, I a big cheese...but with no cheddar.

I won 2 ribbons at my Toastmaster's meeting for speaking! Man, I'm on fire.

My son still loves me.
The husband is working like an animal...just the way I like it!

Hey, visit my website: http://www.ADRIENNEZURUB.COM;

Well, back to trying to keep me feet warm. Damn, it's cold. Here's wishing I was in Costa Rica.

Ciao Bella!

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